About us
Online application
Online application
About us
Kauguri Health Center Dental Clinic – For Your Smile’s Health!
Take care of your smile’s health with us!
Changes in the working hours of the ECG
Iegūsti gludu ādu ar ALMA Lasers Harmony®XL
Gludai ādai katru dienu!
Safe and effective hair removal!
Hair Removal with Alma Laser
For your beauty and skin health
Cosmetologist Karolina Masļenņikova
Patients with symptoms of upper respiratory tract illnesses are kindly asked not to enter the center!
We kindly urge all patients to be understanding and responsible
Regain your digestive health!
Gastroenterologist consultations
New specialist family doctor Sandra Strīke!
From 13.01.2025
Informācija par Dr.Kabanovas pieņemšanas laikiem janvārī
MEKLĒJAM: masieri
Gift Your Loved Ones the Warmth of Care This Holiday Season!
Give the most meaningful gift of all – health and well-being
Pasniegtas Jūrmalas valstspilsētas pašvaldības Sabiedriskā labuma balvas 2024!
Patiesi lepojamies ar mūsu kolēģi!
It’s time to take care of yourself this late autumn!
Autumn is the best time to start a laser hair removal course
Gastroenterologist ar Kauguru Health center!
Jaunums Kauguru veselības centrā!
Salt therapy
For the prevention of respiratory diseases!
If it is not possible to come to the scheduled visit to the doctor
Please cancel it in time!
A new specialist - a dental hygienist
Piesaki vizīti!
Dental Hygiene with Air Flow Soda Jet!
Professional Oral Care
The physical therapy work hours
Information for patients!
Therapeutic massage
For entire family
Working hours of childrens department
no 15.04.2024
Ultrasound examination of soft tissues
Diagnostic ultrasound, also called sonography or diagnostic medical sonography
Meklējam zobārstu
AKTUĀLI! Klientu apmierinātības anketa
Jūsu viedoklis mums ir svarīgs!
Have a safe summer in the sun
Tips for Staying Safe in Hot Weather
Speciālistu komandu papildina kosmetologs
no 11.jūnija
The staff at the Kauguri Health Center received fire safety training
Physical Therapy for children
For treatment and prevention
Follow us on social networks and be the first to know!
Uzzini pirmais jaunāko informāciju!
Speciālistu komandu KVC papildina urologs
no 29.05.2024
Home health care
State-paid medicine
consultation with an oncologist
Slimības laicīga diagnostika ir ļoti svarīga!
Mandatory Health Checkups
Schedule your checkup today
Our Skilled Team, Now Enriched with a Certified Masseur
Appointments are currently available
Osteodensitometry (DEXA) scan
Osteoporosis Diagnosis
A new specialist, Radiologist
Appointments are currently available
Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis!
May the rest in nature be safe for the whole family!
Special price for Laser Hair Removal
Only now Laser Hair Removal for a great price
Dentistry for the whole family
Jūsu veselībai!
Consultations of a narcologist
Information about the specialist
Salt therapy really improves common respiratory issues!
Salt therapy for health and wellness!
Kinesiological taping
Kinesiological taping helps reduce pain, manage swelling, increase circulation and lend extra support to muscles and joints
Ārstnieciskā masāža
Novērtējiet masāžas labvēlīgo ietekmi!
Rentgena izmeklējumi bez iepriekšēja pieraksta!
katru darba dienu KVC
Important to know during a flu epidemic
he Ministry of Health recommends
Laser hair removal- effective method for the elimination of excess hair!
Efektīvi, droši un nesāpīgi!
An influenza epidemic is declared in Latvia
New year - new resolutions!
Gift yourself and your loved ones health and well-being!
How to prepare for a consultation with a doctor about osteoporosis
Come to the consultation prepared!
Jurmala State City Municipality Public Benefit Awards 2023!
Patiesi lepojamies ar mūsu kolēģi!
Therapeutic Massage!
We offer Therapeutic Massage!
Phototherapy for health!
Phototherapy is the use of light to treat skin disorders
Medical foot care
Foot health is an integral component of overall vitality and well-being!
Vaccination against flu
Pasargā sevi un savus tuviniekus no gripas!
Aicinām pievienoties KVC kolektīvam!
otolaryngologist or ear, throat and nose doctor
Procedure and vaccination cabinet
Procedure and vaccination cabinet
Preventive cancer screening
Ankle - brachial index (ABI) determination!
Ankle brachial index for the diagnosis of lower limb peripheral arterial disease
Darbu uzsāk Centrālā labaratorija!
no 04.09.2023
HPV Key Facts
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
eVeselibasPunkts - Your e-health in your own hands!
Make an appointment with your doctor, choosing the most suitable appointment time!
revitalizing peeling
Lieliska alternatīva injekcijām
Neurological Consultation
Informācija pacientiem!
Information about appointment to the family doctor Dr. Karnīte
Informācija pacientiem!
KVC speciālistu komandu papildina podologs
ar 04.08.2023
Dermatologist advice
Karstajām un saulainajām dienām
Enjoy the Sun Safely
Tips how to Enjoy the Sun and Outdoors Safely
May is melanoma and skin cancer awareness month
Melanoma Awareness Month 2023
Congratulations on International Nurses Day!
It has been decided to remove the requirement
From May 12th
Protect yourself from pneumonia!
Pneumonia Can Be Prevented
Don't choose cheap beauty!
Par ko pārliecināties, pirms uzticēt kādam savu skaistumu un veselību?
Dentistry without pain and fear!
Laughter gas sedation for dental treatment
Preventive programs
Valsts apmaksā vairākas profilaktiskās veselības pārbaudes!
Attaisnotajie izdevumi par ārstniecības pakalpojumiem
Ik gadu, sākot no 1. marta, ir iespējams atgūt pārmaksāto iedzīvotāju ienākuma nodokli (IIN).
Occupational physicians working hours
Papildus pieņemšanas laiki arodārsta konsultācijām
Psychologist consultations at Kauguri Health center!
Digital dermatoscopy with VIDIX
Advanced digital dermatoscope, the VIDIX for dermatology diagnostics
New specialist - urologist!
Urologist K.Rībenieks starts working at Kauguru Health Center
New specialist in Eastethic dermatology!
Laser Hair Removal with Laser Alma.
Latest advances in aesthetic medicine now at Kauguri Health Centre!
Latest advances in aesthetic medicine at Kauguri Health Centre!
Protect Yourself From COVID-19
Seasons greetings!
Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus un laimīgu Jauno 2023.gadu!
Flu epidemic announced in Latvia
Flu epidemic announced on December 8th
Awarding of the Public Benefit Award of the Jūrmala State City Municipality
Awarding of the Public Benefit Award of the Jūrmala State City Municipality
How to make an appointment with a specialist
How to make an appointment with a specialist, choosing the most appropriate time!
Greetings on independence day
Sirsnīgi sveicam Valsts svētkos!
Appointments for 2023!
The calendar for 2023 is open!
Protect yourself against flu
Seasonal influenza vaccination
Education Lecture : Headache
The opportunity to visit it at Kauguri health center for free
Get the flu vaccine!
The best way to protect yourself and your loved ones against influenza (flu) is to get a flu vaccine!
October - health month in Jurmala!
Visa mēneša garumā Jūrmalā norisināsies veselības mēneša aktivitātes bez maksas!
A new specialist at Kauguru Health center
Vaccination against Covid-19!
With the beginning of the autumn season, we invite you to take a booster vaccination against the Covid-19 infection!
Vaccination against Covid!
Vaccination against Covid-19 is available to everyone in Latvia
A new specialist - an ophthalmologist!
Book an appointment with an opthamologist
Changes in working hours:
Tradīcijām bagātākie latviešu svētk Līgo -Jāņi ir klāt!
The latest technology for the ophthalmologist!!
Even more modern diagnostics!
Opportunity to prepare your feet for summer!
Podiatrist performs foot assessment and treatment!
Employment of Ukrainiens
New website for Kauguri Health Center
We are pleased to offer you the new website of Kauguri Health Center.
We are looking for a colleague - CARDIOLOGIST
We honor Neurologist Dr. Silvija Kairiss
53 years helping patients regain their health and joy of life!
Information about assistance to Ukrainian residents in Jurmala
Palīdzības sniegšanu Jūrmalā koordinē Labklājības pārvalde.
State-paid health care services for Ukrainian citizens
Health care services for Ukrainian citizens #SlavaUkraine; #StandWithUkraine
Support for Ukraine
МЕДИЧНА ДОПОМОГА #SlavaUkraine; ; #StandWithUkraine
Osteodensitometry - DEXA
Osteodensitometry (DEXA) - A diagnostic method for determining bone mineral density
Primary vaccination and booster vaccination
Kauguri Health Center provides both primary and booster vaccination against Covid.
AKTUĀLI! Valsts apmaksāta vakcinācija pret grupu riska grupām
Stop the flu
Honorary Diploma of Jurmala State Municipality
KVC ophthalmologist Inesa Trubaceva was awarded an honorary diploma
Online application
Apply for
Opt out
Name, Surname
Family physician
Ultrasonography (USG)
Dental therapeutic treatment
ECG – electrocardiography
Osteodensitometry (DEXA)
Holter Monitor
Diagnosis of eye diseases
The ankle-brachial index (ABI)
LOR - Otolaryngologist
Traumatologist, orthopaedist
Physical therapy
Medical taping
Salt therapy
Dental hygiene
Diagnostic stomatology
Dentistry for children
Surgical stomatology
Laughing gas in dentistry
Aesthetic dermatology
Home care (free)
Mandatory health examination, Commissions
Detection of cardiovascular diseases
Preventive cancer screening
Preventive check-up with general practitioner
Revitalizējošs pīlings
Therapeutic massage
Oral hygiene products
The submitted personal data (name, surname, e-mail) are processed for registration for receiving a health care service.
PSIA “Kauguru veselības centrs”, Reg.nr. 40003219995, address: Jūrmala, 98a Raiņa str., LV-2016. Information on data processing PSIA “Kauguru veselības centrs” available privacy disclaimer.
I agree to the kvc.lv
privacy policy
Jūsu pieteikums ir saņemts. Mēs ar Jums sazināsimies