Salt therapy
Salt therapy is recommended for patients with bronchial asthma and people who have frequent respiratory diseases - runny nose, cough, tonsillitis, ear inflammation. in the treatment of skin diseases. Salt reduces diseases of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract: sneezing stops, the nose "opens up", the runny nose decreases or disappears. The salt kills the bacteria and fungi on the mucous membranes, while strengthening the immune system. That is why children who have received salt treatment are significantly stronger and less likely to get sick. Salt therapy is especially suitable for asthma sufferers - sputum is easier to cough when exposed to salt.
Procedure. The procedure takes place in a salt room. It is a relaxation room in which salt ions are released from a special device, which, when inhaled, cleanses, moisturizes and soothes the respiratory mucosa, stabilizes the nervous system and improves metabolism. During the session, patients sit in armchairs and breathe the ionized air of salt, it is recommended to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. The preferred course of therapy is 10 times, visiting the salt room every day or every other day.
! Before visiting the salt room, talk to your doctor to find out if the treatment is right for you and to determine the amount of treatment you need.
! Salt room is not recommended if you have a fever, a fever, an exacerbation of a viral infection, an oncological or kidney disease, arterial hypertension or severe heart failure, an exacerbation of a skin condition.